Hello again! Well, it's been half month since Penang Anime Masturi, but procrastination kicks in whenever it comes to photo editing (I'm still a beginner in photography stuffs so I'm very dependant on Lightroom and Photoshop for most of the photos I shot), so do pardon me for that. ^^"
Penang Anime Matsuri, or maybe lets make it short, PAM 2015, was the first ever ACG event in Penang under the collaboration of the producer of Anime Festival Asia(AFA), the Penang Global Tourism & different other supporting media and partner , which comes with indoor exhibition & outdoor Anisong party concert. Aside from the ACG lovers ,the event was also known by a lot of Penangites as there were a lot of adverts in the social media platforms as well as posters/banners in a lot of places in Penang(such as buses, collaborating cafes,newspapers,etc.), which ultimately brought this event to a success with a big crowd of visitors. :D
Apart of Anime movies screening in the auditorium, there were also various workshop by each of the cosplay guests (Angie, Ying Tze, Baozi &Hana, Mon & Shimo) & also the guest Illustrator Ikkyuu. I only managed to get into a few sessions on Day 1 which are the work shop from Baozi Hana, Ying Tze & Mon.
It's kind of unfortunate for me as I didn't managed to took some closer shots for Ying Tze & Mon's workshop due to the big crowd as I went into the auditorium again after strolling around the exhibition areas. However then, I was quite lucky to be able to get a seat closer to the stage in the Q&A session of the cosplayer guests on each day take some closer shots. /internal fangirl squeals/
After the exhibitions has ended, it's time to go hunt for some food& have some fun at the outdoor session which included Matsuri experience zone, food zone and also the Anisong party stage.
I only went for the DJ party by Hachioji P &Yuyoyuppe on day 2 as admission to the concert was open free! I also wanted to go for the concert on day 1(which Mika Kobayashi &Yanaginagi had make their performance) too but the ticket price is kind of pricey for me. Nevertheless, I still had fun enjoying the DJ Party with my friends and it's a great experience as it was my first time attending ACG related concert!
Overall, the event was a unique experience for all of us Penangites ACG lovers with the matsuri activities plus the concert with DJs& Artist who came all the way from Japan!
Meanwhile I believed the only thing most of the attendees are disappointed about would be the indoor venue. Apart from the limited spaces, the exhibition areas were extremely hot (*ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE COSPLAYING*) as air-conditioner was only available in the auditorium while the other areas were only having normal big fans. My friends & I basically went into the auditorium numerous times to 'steal' some cool conditioned air right after we started to feel hot and sweaty /Laughing with tears emoji/ We do hope that the officials would improve these aspects if there would be a PAM event again next year.
I'd also make a short coverage video for the event. It was my first time shooting coverage video so do forgive me if it wasn't good. ^^"
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